4 DEC 2021 SOLAR ECLIPSE predictions

I will give global as well as predictions for India with Delhi as the location for eclipse Kundli. But Eclipse is a global phenomenon and whether you see it or not its effect will affect us in some way or another as we all are one organic unity. The predictions are the proof .
Good thing in Kundli : The lagna is capricorn , its lord Saturn is in its own house, and is in shubh kartari(benefic planets Jupiter & Venus on either sides ).
Bad thing in Kundli : SATURN under affliction of RAHU & MARS ; Eclipse happening in Scorpio with KETU which brings sudden outburst of simmering negative energy; MARS going to enter the eclipsed watery sign Scorpio the next day which happens to be sign lord of Scorpio where the eclipse is happening (BAAP RE !)

2.Panchang Analysis (brief)
TITHI - grahan amavasya
VAAR : SATURDay and as Saturn is in shubh kartari, as the day lord represents HEALTH but Saturn gives long term health issue ;
KARANA : NAAG whose lord is RAHU which is in affliction and hence negative results with respect to WORK worldwide,
YOGA : DHRIT which is inauspicious and governed by RAHU which is bad.
NAKSHATRA : JYESHTHA whose lord is Mercury in eclipse with SUN MOON & Ketu . Because of simultaneous affliction of nakshatra and nakshatra lord, the mind of people shall stay confused with the conspiracy news which we shall keep hearing till next eclipse in April-May.
Ex: The Mars coming in affliction the next day of eclipse which represents ARMY, Police, Sports in the sign of violent scorpio denoted an accidental death of some imp person related to this field which did happen when Late General Bipin Rawat died of chopper crash but are we not confused whether this is an accident or a plot.
Had Mercury been not there it would have been a clear cut case of crash but Mercury shall keep bringing up very eerie parallel conspiracy stories.( I won't comment more)
3.PREDICTIONS (global)
My predictions are based on global transits be it of 21 sep 2021 for 1st wave or be it of the 2nd wave 15 may Plateau prediction or for mid October 2022 rise world over. Worldwide things shall not be good affecting international travel but India should remain safe.
- Water based Transits should be avoided in the next three months. Mrigshira Poornima is coming on 19 December and trust me after the 2004 Tsunami I never take a chance of travelling to water areas in this month. Global transportation can get affected due to water based disasters/issues.(scorpio is a watery sign ). Tsunami is also predicted in the month of December.
- Mars is on fire hence again volcanoes and earthquakes shall occur and fire in coastal areas shall be seen again especially in areas where eclipse has been seen. BUSH FIRE areas please be careful esp. Australia as here the eclipse is seen.
- Mass shooting or disaster or terrorist events near Mrigshira Poornima .date wise : 13 dec to 4 jan is critical worldwide till MARS crosses Sagittarius Navamsha. Also school kids in USA especially should be monitored for arms.
- It triggers some fresh war-like situation among warring countries affecting global geopolitics.
- New scientific research , new vaccines may come out as Scorpio is sign of research along with proof of failure in efficacy of vaccinations in many cases ;
- Petroleum leakage in ship is possible by accident in deep waters
- Some big level heist may also be attempted
- Worldwide situation shall become critical again when mars enters Sagittarius from 14 jan to 13 feb 2022.
- USA May be a party to a war like situation with its warring countries like IRAN or Afghanistan etc. from 14 jan to 15 April . Covid may also affect the USA during this time hence avoid going to the USA during this time.
- UK, Germany or European countries shall get affected mainly from 12 jan 2022 to march 2022 so avoid going there totally ; same for Australia. As the Kal Sarp is happening again hence lockdown is certain in some countries abroad. Corona shall affect more with new strains in South Africa, Australia,New Zealand , South America as eclipse was seen here and will be transmitted from these countries rapidly.Death toll shall rise :(
- Some new INternet Virus or some issue in financial transactions or instagram ,facebook etc may come during 17 jan to 6 feb. No buying of communication devices during this period.
- Riots due to false rumours during the above periods.
- Elon Musk(my fav), this must be a tough time for space launches. Please avoid till Mars passes Ketu nakshatra in Sagittarius from 14 jan to 13 feb 2022 ; it might lead to some disaster/unsuccessful launch.
- Train collisions or big accidents involving heavy engines are predicted. It includes plane crash too.
- Scandalous audio tapes from high position in govt can appear
- New weapon systems may be tested during these turbulent times increasing the tension.
- Hijacking as a means of terrorism is also possible. Military coup is possible in some vulnerable countries.
....If you want to read my INDIA predictions then please follow my instagram page by clicking HERE.
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I make all my predictions on instagram.
Nakshatra N Tanwar
The Logical Astrologer
(an IITian endeavour to bring back the glory of astrology)